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ProfiSpray ProfiRing PA-1 set.
ProfiRing Corona ProfiRing [R391980]
Standard pump 1/4" (Cat. No. 249500)
Complete pump [1095922]
Pump housing [1095913]
Set - nozzle holder (Part No. 307439)
Pump adapter for pipe 0.490ID Ref. No. 309471
Handle, pump throat [1095898]
VersaSpray Nozzle Adapter 233456
Adjustable metal hinge
Seal for AISI 304 pumps (SiC/Gra/NBR/304)
Flat nozzle 1081656
Air nozzle (Part No. 244643)
TIVARR nozzle (Cat. No. 226713)
Nozzle,PTFE (Cat. No. 244642)
Suction pipe pump adapter 0.360 ID Ref. No. 152227
TIVARR nozzle with O-ring (Part No. 307437)
Teflon choke (low flow) Cat. No. 109101
Handle, nozzle (Part No. 307435)
Teflon reducer [631408]
Standard Teflon reducer (Cat. No. 249504)
Orifice (low flow) Ref. No. 114219
Standard reducer Cat. No. 114221
Throat Holder (Part No. 249506)
Restrictor [1095899]
1st generation pump nozzle, TIVAR [1082201]
Pump nut [1095914]
PTFE nozzle for the 1st generation pump [1084777]
Teflon choke [1095910]
Hose connector, low flow No. Corner. 139943
Teflon choke (low flow) (Cat. No. 225549)
Teflon choke (high flow) (Part No. 225548)
Overlay (Part No. 224736)
Orifice (low flow) (Part No. 225547)
Orifice (high flow) (Part No. 225546)
Venturi nozzle, restrictor, PTFE, with O-ring [...
Venturi nozzle (supply and start) Ref. No. 249503
Bushing Ref. No. 118832
O-ring for pump 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation [1036432]
O-ring 12x1.5
Seal - O-ring 8 x 1
O-ring silicon - pump throat - Nordson [941113]
Seal - O-ring 15 x 1
Seal - O-ring 16x1.5
O-ring 11x1.5 [R1000532]
Seal - O-ring 10x2
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